Aimbot Features
- Aim Types: Standard, P-Silent
- Target Bones: Helmet, Head, Neck, Chest, Pelvis, Any
- Override Bones: Left Foot, Right Foot, Left Knee, Right Knee
- Smoothness & Prediction: Adjustable (0-100)
- Target Options: Enemies Only, Visible Check, Skip Downed/Self-Revive
- Prioritization: FOV + Distance, FOV Only, Distance Only
- FOV Range: Adjustable (0-1000) with visualization
- ESP Range: Adjustable (0-1000)
- Crosshair Display
Anti-Aim Features
- Spin Bot
- Jitter Bot
- 180° Turn Bot
Visual Features
- Player ESP: Box, Corner Box, Filled Box, 3D Box, Skeleton, Health Bar, Snaplines, Distance, Name, Team ID, Weapon, Kill/Death Count, Outlines, Compass ESP, Advanced UAV, Aim Warnings, Bullet Tracers
- Loot ESP: Ammo, Weapons, Money, Armor, Supply Boxes, Misc Items, Adjustable Range (1-1000)
Compass & Visuals
- Targeting: Enemies Only, Visible Check, Compass Visuals, Aim Warnings
- Compass: Adjustable Zoom, Arrow Size/Fill, Rainbow Mode
- Recoil Control: No Recoil, Adjustable Amount, No Sway
- Effect Removal: Disable Flinch, Stun, Flashbang, Shield Shake, Fog
- Visual Adjustments: Hide Weapon, Full Bright Mode
Exploits & Enhancements
- Third-Person Mode
- Quick Actions: Instant Reload/Weapon Swap
- FOV Adjustment: Adjustable (1-200)
- Visual Enhancements: Skip Cutscenes, Big Mini Map, Developer Playlist, Unlock Loadouts
- UI & Visual Colors: Fully customizable for ESP elements, Compass, Tracers
- Save/Load Configs: Up to 10 configurations ([F1]-[F5])
Unlocks & Account Features
- Unlock All Items
- Camo & Attachment Saver
- Account Management: Clean Screenshots, Unlock/Revert Items, Bypass Profanity Filter, Custom Clantag
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